Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 2, 2009 CAB Meeting

The next Kekahu Foundation/KKCR Community Advisory Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 6:30pm @ the Waimea Neighborhood Center, 4556 Makeke Road (mauka @ the Shrimp Station). Please carpool if you can. As always, we encourage participation, feedback and input from members, non-members, and anyone from the listening public. We are here for you, Westside people, and anyone else. This is your radio station. We'd love to welcome any perspective new members. Contact person, Fred 651-2815.

Aloha CAB and Friends, Attached is the updated CAB agenda for the 12/2 mtg. this Wed. at 6:30, at the Waimea Neighborhood Center. Also attached are the revised minutes from our 8/12 mtg. Please review these and bring any suggested changes to the meeting. Thank you Paul for taking and editing the minutes. And, thanks Larry for picking up the key, I'll send a separate email with directions.

Marj and I will be carpooling with Arnold at 5pm from the lot across from Small Town Coffee in Kapa`a. We have room for 1 or 2 more, from there or anywhere along the way. Let me know.

The Waimea N. Center is at 4556 Makeke Rd., Waimea. From the highway in town, after the Big Save, turn mauka opposite the Shrimp Station. If you can, please bring snacks or a pot luck dish, since we'll be there during dinner time. My # is 651-2815. See you there, fred


MEETING AGENDA for Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Waimea Neighborhood Center


1. 6:30 PM Call meeting to order---Chair


2. Roll call: attendance and absences--determine quorum---Secretary

3. Review & Approval of August 12, 2009 minutes---CAB


5. Public Input welcome Listeners, Guests

Questions, concerns, suggestions, etc.

6. Previous Business (brief reports, please)

a. Report from Nov.16th BOD mtg., Strategic Plan---BOD Rep., Fred

b. Status of IRS application for exemption---Fred

c. CAB Kuleana-NFCB Webinar Participation---Chair, CAB

7. New Business

a. Election results/Future elections---Marj, CAB

b. Membership/Fund Drive/Capital Campaign---Jerry

c. CAB on KKCR Mixed Plate 5th Monday---Paul, Fred

d. Future “Be Heard” meetings-CAB Participation?---Jerry

e. CAB recommendations---CAB

f. Time and place of next CAB mtg.

8. Close of General Business meeting---Chair

9. PAU


CAB Minutes August 12, 2009 Kapa'a Neighborhood Center

Guests: Kurtis and Kathy McMillan, Rosa, Traci, Kaio, GM Jerry Brocklehurst, Director Marj Dente.

CAB attending: Pua Nani Rogers, Mickey Sussman, Dr. Arnold Nurock, Mahelani Silva, Fred Dente, Paul Moody Excused: Dr. Larry Magnusson

Fred called the meeting to order at 6:08PM. Marj Dente offered a pule. The roll call found a quorum to be present. Nani moved to accept the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mickey. Acceptance of the minutes was approved.
Fred announced that Katy Rose and Kimi Sodoyama are no longer able to continue as CAB Members. Fred read a letter from Katy. Fred will send letters to both thanking them for their service. Fred had attended the meeting of Conflict Resolution/Policy and Decision Making group. Fred announced that Andy Parx's blog had been critical of the KKCR Management.
The McMillans who have an interest in becoming involved with KKCR were introduced. Kurtis hopes that the station will feature more local music. Kaio had met with Jack at the studio and has an interest in having a show. Jerry explained the training requirement and station values, and said that opportunities for new programs will be coming up.
Marj discussed the last BOD meeting which was held at the Humane Society, and announced that there would be a Development meeting on August 17 with the goal to raise matching funds for the technical grants. A memorandum of understanding for remote broadcasts was passed, along with a no talk stink policy. Marj noted that applicants were sought to be BOD members.
Fred announced that he and Marj and Katherine and Jerry Brocklehurst met with Michael Titterton of Hawaii Public Radio in Honolulu. Fred reviewed the past CAB suggestions presented to the BOD. Marj suggested that Fred research the legal aspect of specifying that our non-profit is a membership organization, as when we applied for 501c3 status.
In new businesss, Fred reviewed the CPB requirements of the CAB, and there was a discussion of what and how much the CAB should be doing. This discussion will continue at the next meeting. The CAB will have an hour live on-air show each month in which there are five Mondays, starting August 31. Jerry noted that he urges talk shows to plan ahead and produce on-air promos.
Jerry reported on the station's Be Heard project, which focuses on the island economy. There was a discussion by those in attendance at those meetings. Mahelani Silva led the discussion at the first Be Heard meeting in Waimea.
Fred opened the meeting for public comment. Rosa asked how the Strategic Planning meetings regarding Programming would affect her bringing up questions regarding station programming. There was discussion of the number of hours of service that the station requires of volunteers. Also, discussion re the CAB possibly sponsoring an annual membership meeting, and dicussion of pot references on a website linked to kkcr.org.
Fred asked for CAB recommendations to be presented to the BOD. There was a discussion of elections to select board members. This issue will be considered again at the next CAB meeting. No recommendations were made at this meeting. Rosa commented that there should be a plan specifying the airtime needed to educate members to vote. Jerry sent a media announcement of the elections.
The next CAB meeting will be at Waimea NC, December 2. Pau at 8:27 PM

Minutes submitted by Paul Moody, Secretary

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CAB Meeting Tonight

Aloha Everyone, Tonight night is our 3rd CAB mtg. of 2009. I hope you can all attend, and bring any interested Friends and potential volunteers with you. We want to hear feedback from listeners, that is our kuleana. We also need new members on the CAB, the BOD, BOD committee members and Strategic Plan committee members, as well as prospective programmers, engineers and volunteer staff. It's an ongoing need, please plug in when you can.

Attached are the revised minutes of our 4/29 mtg. and our current agenda for tomorrow's mtg. See you there, fred

MEETING AGENDA for Wed. August 12, 2009

MEETING AGENDA for Wed. August 12, 2009
Kapa`a Neighborhood Center


1. 6PM Call meeting to order Chair


2. Roll call: attendance and absences--determine quorum Secretary

3. Review & Approval of April 29, 2009 Minutes CAB

4. Announcements Chair

5. Public Input welcome Listeners, Guests

Questions, concerns, suggestions, etc.

6. Previous Business (brief reports please)

a. Report from Last BOD mtg., Strategic Plan, 2 New Policies BOD Rep.

b. HPR visit Jerry, Marj, Fred

c. Status of past CAB recommendations-IRS Application Chair

7. New Business

a. CAB Kuleana-expand or leave alone? CAB

b. CAB on KKCR Mixed Plate 5th Monday Aug. 31 Chair

c. “Be Heard” report--CAB participation in outreach Jerry, Marj

d. CAB recommendations CAB

e. Time and place of next CAB mtg.

8. Close of General Business Meeting Chair

9. PAU

Minutes of the April 2009 meeting,,

Kekahu Foundation / KKCR Community Advisory Board
Minutes of the April 29009 meeting,, 2Kapa’a Neighborhood Center

CAB members attending: Fred Dente, Paul Moody, Dr.Arnold Nurock, Puanani Rogers, Katy Rose, Mary Stone, Mickey Sussman, Steve Yoder
Guests attending: Jerry Brocklehurst, Rick Cooper, Marj Dente, Tek Nickerson

President Fred Dente called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and offered an opening prayer. A quorum was in attendance. The meeting minutes from the February 4, 2009 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Fred announced that Larry Lasota and Jimmy Trujillo were the Outreach Committee for the Kekahu Foundation BOD. Jerry announced that the station had received a grant to study community engagement. 7 CAB members volunteered for the Fund Fest. Kimie and Mary volunteered to represent KKCR at the Earth Day event. Fred and Marj and Jerry are working to finalize the founders tribute.

Kelly and Mary decided not to continue on the CAB. Elections were held for CAB officers. Elected officers for the next year are President: Fred Dente, Vice-President: Mickey Sussman, Secretary: Paul Moody.

Kekahu Foundation Board member Marj Dente gave a report on the last board meeting. There will be four open board positions for the fall 2009 election. The terms for Marj and Carl Imparato will be ending and there are two currently unfilled positions. The BOD passed the Strategic Plan and will hold a meeting after May 20 to adjust dates in the timeline. The BOD also approved a new policy on decision making. Governance and Outreach committees will be forming soon, and Marj reminded the CAB members that new members are needed for those committees. The call for volunteer members also went out for the BOD and the CAB, and for Strategic Plan committees.

Marj Dente also gave a short report on the NFCB conference which she attended along with Jerry Brocklehurst and Lyn McNutt.

Fred reported that the BOD received the two CAB recommendations voted on at the last meeting. The CAB had recommended that 100% of board members be elected by the membership, and that the board help Station Manager Jerry Brocklehurst increase the amount of public affairs programming to 20% of total programming.

Tek Nickerson was welcomed as a guest to speak to the CAB. He is a Wailua Homesteads resident and first began listening to KKCR in 2005. He said that as a father and a grandfather that he became concerned when he heard that KCC was preparing a facility that would be used as one of the remote studios for KCCR. Tek said that some music aired on KKCR’s programs was almost a promotion of the use of marijuana, and that there was indecent language and improper sexual references. This was steering young people toward the wrong life choices, and possible trouble with the law. Tek felt that KCC should draw the line and not participate with the station. A discussion followed with CAB members thanking Tek for bringing his comments to us. Jerry said that there was good progress being made building a culture of mutual respect at the station. KCC will be responsible for their own programs, but must meet the station’s requirements. Fred thanked Tek Nickerson again for bringing his views to the CAB and urged him and others to do so in the future.

Marj asked for help in finding candidates for the BOD, suggestions can be sent to Marj. She also noted that one of the NFCB workshops had a discussion of IRS applications for non-profit status. The 501(c)(3) form asks about how the organization is governed. Fred stated that the Kekahu Foundation’s IRS application states that we are to be governed by a membership elected board, not a self elected board, and that we have been out of compliance since 1996.

CAB recommendations for the BOD were considered. It was moved and seconded that the CAB again recommend that 100% of board members be elected by the voting membership. The motion passed to recommend. The vote was 4-3. No other recommendations were brought forward.

It was decided to schedule the next CAB meeting for July 29. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Submitted by Paul Moody, CAB Secretary

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Community Advisory Board Meeting Aug. 12, 2009

Aloha Kakou, The CAB is down to nine members. Our next meeting will be on Wed., August 12, 2009, at 6pm in the Craft Room at the Kapa`a Neighborhood Center. I had to change the meeting date twice due to conflicts, and the unavailability of meeting rooms. Perhaps, someone of us will offer their hale for the next mtg?
In the mean time, please try to recruit folks for the one available Board of Directors position to be elected by the membership, and more community members for the CAB.

There will be a potluck BBQ on Sunday, July 19 from 3 to 5 at KKCR. We'll all help replace the tarp over the outside lounge area, which shouldn't take long. Then, we'll eat and hang with each other. It will be a great opportunity to communicate with the staff, the Board, Volunteers, CAB members and Friends in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Please come if you can.

See you at the meetings. Many Blessings and Aloha to you, fred


This Memorandum of Understanding is made by and between Kekahu Foundation, Inc., licensee of noncommercial educational FM station KKCR, Hanalei, Hawaii (“KKCR” or “the Station”), and



(the “Programmer”), collectively here, the Parties.

WHEREAS, the Station is in process of developing a system of “distributed broadcasting” whereby several programmers may contribute regular or occasional program feeds from remote locations; and

WHEREAS the Programmer is in process of developing an origination site for this purpose; and

WHEREAS the Parties wish to clarify their respective rights and responsibilities under this project.

The Parties THEREFORE AGREE as follows --

1. Programmer understands and agrees that KKCR is a radio station licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, and that the Station had the responsibility to program the station as it sees fit in the public interest, including the selection of programs and the right to broadcast or not broadcast any program or program segment.

2. Programmer understands and agrees that the Station also is subject to certain FCC program content rules, including but not limited to rules regarding underwriter announcements, indecency, political broadcasting, copyright, and others. Programmer will undertake reasonable efforts not to furnish any program that it knows or should know would be in violation of FCC rules or policies.

3. The Parties understand and agree that the Station’s broadcasts also will be streamed on the internet. The Parties will cooperate with one another to secure all necessary rights and clearances for such streaming.

4. By furnishing programs, programs segments or material to be used in segments, Programmer agrees that it is furnishing to the Station a non-exclusive, world-wide copyright in all such material. In case of any secondary re-use of such programs, beyond the initial broadcast and streaming, the Parties agree to cooperate with one another, to notify the other Party and to make appropriate acknowledgement of creative contributions.

5. While this MOU is in effect: The Station agrees to maintain broadcast errors and omissions insurance, with customary limits for small stand-alone public radio stations. The Programmer agrees to maintain premises liability insurance for persons visiting or working at the origination point.

6. The Parties to date have not made any plans for a Party to pay another Party for activities under this project. The Parties agree to cooperate with one another in gathering and preparing information in support of any application that either Party may make for foundation grants or government assistance with respect to any aspect of this project.

7. Either Party may terminate its part of this MOU by giving thirty days’ advance written notice to the other Party. This MOU may be amended only by a writing signed by both Parties.

8. The Parties understand and agree that this MOU is between the Station and the Programmer. It is understood and agreed that the Station intends to enter into several like arrangement with other programmers.

Understood and agreed:

Dated: By:_________________________
Print Name: __________________
For: ________________________

Dated: By: __________________________
Print Name: ___________________
For Kekahu Foundation, Inc.
(KKCR or the station)